Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year - New Adventures

I want to wish everyone who reads me a Happy & Healthy New Year. (ya, I know I'm a little late, but I always have a good excuse!)

I've spent the last week blog hopping, reading, and reading, and reading since the start of 2009, and I find that everyone has their own take on the new year. Some have the usual resolutions, others set personal or family goals, and some do nothing and just trek on giving no mind to the change. Others face enormous challenges, others create their challenges. Some pledge to "change things up a bit" in their blogs or creative style, others not so much. There are so many takes on the new year.

During this time, I've been pondering on what "I" will resolute or change for the new year (mostly because I've been sick and have no energy to do much of anything else - and my house shows it too!) I've also kinda cheated a little, starting a little early on the new year - this is because I had 12 days off from my full-time job and had lots of time to think, and think, and eat, and think, and stay up real late, and think. So here is what I've come up with: (I don't think this is purposely in any type of order)

- Read more books (I've already started and will try to list them somewhere here and if it's a thumbs up or down. Don't hold your breath though, I'm a slow reader!)

- Post more on my blog. (duh)

- Try new creative mediums...I've broken away from the "scrapbook/card" thing (only a smidgen) and am trying a couple of new swaps with the Red Lead ladies and doing a domino and charm swap. I can't wait to share.

- ORGANIZE MY CRAFT SPACE(s)! (maybe I should have listed this as #1) Anyone reading who would like to help, just give a shout out here!

- Keep my house cleaner. (have I told you how I H-A-T-E to clean? I'd rather cut an acre of grass by hand first - seriously!!)

- Work on some house projects...too many to list here! LOL!

- Start selling on Etsy - soon!

- Get away from the TV (and the kitchen)!

- Get on the treadmill or walk with hubby.

- Try to change my attitude at times.

- Search for a new "friend" who lives close to share craft interests and "hang" together. I so miss the LSS and all my buddies...the web just isn't the same (sorry). (I'm really not that pathetic - the boys just don't cut it at home!)

I think I've listed just about everything here that I've been thinking about the last week or so that might change up the new year a bit for me.

Give some thought to your new year "list", share here by commenting or linking up - I'd love to see what you'll be up to!

Until tomorrow friends....

1 comment:

Scrap for Joy said...

You're very ambitious. I picked a "word" to focus on this year ala Ali Edwards. That's as far as I've gotten. Good luck with your plan. Today I'm cleaning my studio room....that's a start! Hahahahahaha!