Sunday, March 30, 2008


I hope everyone had a blessed Easter holiday for all of you who celebrate. Mine was wonderful, spending it with family as always. As time goes on though, and my kids get older, I find it harder and harder not to lose those wonderful childhood memories/traditions and continue them with my kids. When boys get older, they just don't get "into it" any longer like they used to. So what's better than to spoil my nieces? At least I can hold onto those fun holiday traditions a little longer - right?

Ok, so this year I made an attempt to make some vintage cards. I found this cute vintage peep picture - so fitting for all my "peeps". I also had some left over for a few family members.

I used Basic Grey Blush Devotion patterned paper with Bazzill Basic matching paper (forgot the color) background and (brown) card base from a packaged card set from Joann's. I also used chalk ink and ribbon. As a last added embellishment (not shown here) I added a button in the upper left corner. It came together nicely.

I apologize for not blogging more regularly, but life has been getting in the way a bit and I came home sick on Friday from work and spent the remainder of the day and night in bed. I must have gotten the allergy sinus stuff that was going around. Taking aspirin and not eating much seemed to push the fever out of me. I just hate not being functional.

I am in the middle of catching up though, so more posts to follow. Thanks for stopping by to read.

(I'm typing in the middle of watching the Pens game - 3rd period 2-1 and a powerplay whahoo!!)

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